Planned Giving

Your Legacy Can Make a Meaningful Difference

Planned giving ensures the long-term success of causes you care about most, benefits the financial future of you and your loved ones, and is an inspiring way to leave your legacy. Here are some ways to leave a planned gift to Penrose-St. Francis Hospital Foundation. We invite you to connect with us to discover which one is best for you.

  • Bequest
  • Beneficiary of Retirement Plan or Insurance Policy
  • Charitable Gift Annuity (CGA)
  • Charitable Remainder Trust (CRT)
  • Property (Home, Farm or Real Estate)
  • Named Endowment

When considering your options, keep in mind that planned giving is an important decision that you don’t have to make alone. We offer materials to help simplify the process, ensuring that your decision aligns with your goals and includes the support of your loved ones.

Schedule a meeting with Kate Deaver, Senior Philanthropy Officer, today to discuss how you can leave a legacy that makes a meaningful difference to the future of Colorado Springs.